Our business model

The strength and long-term value of our business model is in placing our customers, their markets and the environment at the heart of everything that we do. Investing in our people, their leadership and the value of relationships with customers and our supply chain enables us to create competitive advantage.

Green city and Eco Earth with light bulb eco concept ,vector illustration


The sustainable development model by POLYPIPE ITALIA integrates business activities, conducted in an ethical and transparent manner, with environmental protection, health and safety protection, with respect for people, establishing relationship of trust with the parties involved.

Quality manufacturing

We take our standards seriously and invest in ensuring relevant approvals for all our products where possible – providing outstanding performance, reliability and the quality you expect from a brand like Effast. Ensuring we deliver                          , sustainable products and services means a great deal to us, our supply chain and our customers – and has been recognised with                                             &                                           accreditations.

Quality- EFFAST - 100% Made in Italy"
SAFETY FIRST Road Sign - EFFAST - 100% Made in Italy


The health, safety and wellbeing of our people has always been at the forefront of everything we do. The Group and its leadership team has a duty of care to its employees and customers, and the evaluation of risk and taking mitigating actions to protect those employees and customers is very much ingrained in our culture. We invest a large amount of resource into training and good safety practices and processes.


We strive to ensure the generation of waste – both of plastic and other materials – is minimised, to help develop a sustainable, low carbon, resource-efficient service. We don’t just recycle all our in-process material waste; we monitor every process and adjust the smallest thing to make a bigger difference, whether raw material, electricity or water.

Sustainability - EFFAST - 100% Made in Italy"